Access Training UK
0800 345 7492
Learn Your Trade. Get Qualified. Make It Happen.
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Electrician Courses in Newcastle

We offer the following electrical courses at our training centre in Newcastle upon Tyne:
Blue Polygon
Blue Dots Orange Polygon

Electrician Training Centre in Newcastle

Second Floor
Blandford Studios

12 Blandford Square
Newcastle upon Tyne

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Established in


Courses delivered


Students trained

How Can We Help You?

Why Access Training?

Access Training is one of the UK’s top providers of electrical training courses. We have helped countless individuals from up and down the country to retrain and fill the ever-growing demand for qualified electricians.

If you have decided to pursue a career in the electrical trade, here are five reasons to train with Access Training Newcastle:
  • Unlimited online learning

  • Hands-on practical training in a lifelike environment

  • Career support for up to 3 years after enrolment

  • Small class sizes

  • We can help you to get qualified quickly!
Get in touch now to start your electrical training journey.

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Your journey starts here!

Get in touch – we’ll find the right course for you!

Call us on 0800 345 7492 or enter your details below – a course advisor will be in touch to help you choose the right path.

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  Contact us to apply for this job


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A member of our team will be in contact shortly to answer any questions you may have
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We’ve created a bespoke online community where you will have access to:
  • Expert advice and guidance from our support team and tutors 24/7
  • Priority access to affiliates & commercial partners
  • Exclusive career prospects
  • Unlimited access to live online theory training
  • Continuous professional development including help with going self employed, CV writing and 3 years of guaranteed career support.