Access Training UK
0800 345 7492
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Electrical Courses in Leicester

The following electrical courses are available at our training centre in Leicester:
Blue Polygon
Blue Dots Orange Polygon

Leicester Electrical Training Centre

Provincial House
37 New Walk

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How Can We Help You?

Electrical Courses: Why Choose Access Training?

Our flexible electrician courses are ideal if you’re looking to learn a new trade and start work in a much shorter timeframe that traditional college courses.

Here are a few reasons why you should choose Access Training for your electrical course:
  • Unlimited online learning and tuition

  • Extensive employability support after your course graduation

  • Intensive practical training that fits around your existing commitments

  • No prior experience necessary

We welcome learners with any level of experience, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Access Training Reviews


Your journey starts here!

Get in touch – we’ll find the right course for you!

Call us on 0800 345 7492 or enter your details below – a course advisor will be in touch to help you choose the right path.

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We’ve created a bespoke online community where you will have access to:
  • Expert advice and guidance from our support team and tutors 24/7
  • Priority access to affiliates & commercial partners
  • Exclusive career prospects
  • Unlimited access to live online theory training
  • Continuous professional development including help with going self employed, CV writing and 3 years of guaranteed career support.